DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a girl who cannot do a single push-up. My brothers razz me and tell me that girls can never do a push-up because they are so much weaker than boys. I would like to show them that I am not hopelessly weaker than they are. Is this unrealistic? Can you help? – M.K.

Girls have less strength than boys do because boys, due to their testosterone, have larger muscles. However, that doesn’t condemn girls to a sedentary life. They can and do excel in all sports, and they can train themselves to become almost as strong as boys who train.

Girls have only about 60 percent of the upper-body strength that boys have. That’s why push-ups are giving you such trouble. Girls have about 75 percent the lower-body strength of boys. Girls, however, are more resistant to muscle fatigue than are boys. In other words, they generally, when trained, have equal or greater endurance than males.

As for proficiency of motor skills, there is no reason for a girl to take a back seat to a boy.

I am working my way into your push-up training. Don’t start with the standard push-up where a person supports himself or herself on the hands and toes. Assume the push-up stance with your knees touching the ground. That ought to make the push-up easier for you, and you can work your way into the standard push-up position.

If you can’t do a push-up with your knees touching the ground, cheat. Do only the lowering part of the push-up. The lowering motion is as powerful a stimulus for muscle growth as is the raising motion. Lower yourself slowly to the ground. Such a motion is an eccentric muscle contraction. That means the muscle fibers are lengthening during exertion, and such contractions are a great stimulus for muscle growth. It’s similar to the lowering motion when using a barbell or dumbbell. If done slowly, you’ll make rapid gains.

I expect to see you outperforming your brothers in a matter of months.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have just begun a jogging program. I need one. I am 30 pounds overweight. However, I also have varicose veins. Will my jogging make the varicose veins worse? If you say yes, I will have to find another kind of exercise. – B.C.

Jogging or walking should not make varicose veins worse. Prolonged standing and sitting, however, can do so.

Varicose veins have inner valves that are not working. Valves in veins keep blood coursing to the heart. With incompetent valves, blood pools in leg veins and stretches them out of shape.

Muscle contractions squeeze veins and propel blood toward the heart. That prevents vein distention and varicose vein expansion.

Heredity and being a woman are two other factors that encourage varicose veins. I can’t give you the reason why more women than men have them, but the blame is often put on the female hormone estrogen.

I have to tell you that there are others who warn people with varicose veins not to run. They believe that the high-impact forces of foot against ground worsen the vein problem. I believe that the majority opinion, however, sides with me.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

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