
Would double the number of border patrol agents and invest in surveillance technology to police the borders. Also supports more vigorous workplace enforcement and increased fines. People already here should have the opportunity to earn American citizenship if they learn English, pay a fine in recognition that they came here illegally, and avoid a criminal record.


Calls for immediate withdrawal of 40,000 to 50,000 troops; complete withdrawal within 10 months. Would leave behind as many as 5,200 troops to protect embassy, guard humanitarian workers.


Under his plan, by 2025 America will import 7.5 million fewer barrels of oil a day, produce 65 billion gallons of ethanol and other biofuels a year, generate 25 percent of our electricity from renewable sources and reduce its production of carbon dioxide emission by more than 2 billion tons.

Health care:

Plan for universal coverage includes requiring businesses and employers to either cover employees or help finance their health insurance – and eventually require all Americans to get insurance. Would create new tax credits, expand Medicaid and SCHIP, reform insurance laws.


Would invest in clean energy infrastructure, increase federal aid to help states avoid cutting programs that help families through hard times, reform unemployment insurance and tackle the housing crisis. Ask Congress to create a Home Rescue Fund to help families avoid foreclosure.

Excerpts taken from candidate’s Web site

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