Many families buy puppies during the holidays, only to become overwhelmed.

Bringing a dog home can be a 15-year commitment, not to mention a huge financial and emotional responsibility. Many families do not realize how much work raising a puppy entails. Sadly, many holiday puppies end up in shelters come January.

Animals can bring joy into their human’s lives, but only if people are ready to keep a canine companion healthy and safe. Here are some tips for anyone considering getting a puppy for the holidays:

Make sure that a dog will fit into your lifestyle. Do you have the money to pay for food, routine and emergency vet bills and training costs? Will you be home to care for your puppy? If not, will you be able to find or hire a sitter? Can you handle paw prints on your floors and dog hair on your furniture? If you answer “no” to any of these questions, you might want to get a lower-maintenance pet instead.

Puppy-proof your home before you bring Fido home. Puppies will chew on anything in reach. Some people hide or bundle loose cables and wires as a preventative measure. Place house plants out of puppy-reach, and keep floors clear. Make sure your puppy has a kennel or a bed – it will need its own space.

Owners can also use Invisible Fence to keep their new dog safe. “A lot of people don’t realize our products can be used inside the home,” says Mark Thomas, the Senior Brand Manager for Invisible Fence Brand. The company’s Shields In-Home Safety Solution is an ideal gift to keep a new puppy safe. The system features a small, portable transmitter and a special computer collar worn by the pet. The system is gentle enough for puppies as young as eight weeks, so it can help young pets stay out of trouble.

Do your research before getting your puppy. Many pet stores are fronts for puppy mills, where ill dogs face horrendous abuse. Consider adopting from an animal shelter – one out of every four shelter dogs is a purebred animal. If you really don’t want to adopt, look for a reputable breeder who will let you see their breeding facilities and meet your puppy’s parents.

To give an Invisible Fence Brand Solution as a gift these holidays, you may visit and find your local Invisible Fence Brand dealership. – Courtesy of NewsUSA.

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