NEW GLOUCESTER — Selectmen on Monday evening voted unanimously to send the question of establishing a town charter commission to voters next June.

The request for a commission was presented to selectmen in August but tabled to the Sept. 16 meeting. That meeting was canceled because Chairman Steve Libby and Vice Chairwoman Linda Chase were absent, leaving the board without a quorum to conduct business.

Peter Bragdon told the board that if voters approved establishing a commission, six members would be elected in November. Three members would be appointed by selectmen.

Libby voted to put the question before voters.

“Let the people have their say. This will cost the town $4,490 for a minority of people,” he said.

That cost has not been verified.


If the board had not approved putting the question before voters, a petition with 460 valid signatures would be required to place it on a ballot.

In other business Monday, the board decided to get bids for a townwide property revaluation. Offers are due by Dec. 5.

The last revaluation was completed in 2002.

If voters at a town meeting May 6, 2019, approve the plan and raise and/or appropriate money for it, the work could begin May 13.

The cost is estimated $210,000 for 3,030 parcels. A reserve account has $156,000.

Finally, the board removed the business license for Ron’s Small Engine Repair on Route 100 for violating a 2016 consent agreement. The code enforcement officer can determine if owner Ron Henry complies with the agreement in the future.

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