Has your family had “the talk”? Not the one about the birds and the bees – the one about who will do what when a loved one becomes dependent and in need of ongoing care. If that talk has not yet begun, it may be helpful for you to initiate that conversation.

Many people want to remain in their own homes as they experience increasing difficulty in the varied tasks of daily life. Yet many families fail to share and discuss the needs and desires of all family members and find the supportive roles to play. External help may also be needed. Families may not know where to find those community resources.

To address these issues and encourage timely family conversations, Stan Freeman has designed a workshop to help families anticipate the challenges ahead and to organize to respond to those challenges.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, July 12 from 9 to roughly 11 a.m., at the Veazie Congregational Church, 1404 State Street. Small groups will engage in four tasks to prepare them for initiating family planning talks so that they may best meet the needs of all family members, even those at a distance.

The cost to register for the workshop, which is sponosred by Gateway Seniors Without Walls, is $5. To register, call 889-3031 by July 8. For further information, call Stan Freeman at 866-4423 or 259-3623.

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