RUMFORD — Selectmen on Monday approved a warrant article for the June town meeting that asks residents whether they would allow use of the former town office by the Peru Historical Society.

The small building, located in Peru Center, served as a school for many years, then as the town office until officials moved into a building in West Peru a couple of years ago.

The article, originally requested by Bob Dolloff who had circulated a petition asking for use of the former town office, also calls for the operation and maintenance of the building by the town. Board Chairman Jim Pulsifer said a majority of the board recommended passage of the article.

In another building-related matter, the board declined an offer by resident Larry Hansen to buy the former Rockemeka Grange Hall for $2,700.

Pulsifer said Hansen wants to establish a non-denominational church in the century-old building, also located in Peru Center.

Hansen was told that if he could gather the signatures of 90 residents by April 15 asking that the building be donated to him, such a question could appear on the June 8 town meeting warrant.


In still another building-related matter, Pulsifer said the Ad Hoc Committee on use of the former Peru Elementary School in West Peru will meet Wednesday, April 7, to further discuss the possibility of leasing the main floor to Western Foothills Regional School Unit 10 for use as an alternative school for secondary students from the district’s three sending high schools.

“I think it would be a good use as long as we can work out a proper arrangement,” Pulsifer said.

He said the town could still use the bottom floor, which houses the kitchen and gym. The building, he said, is as close to a community center as the town owns.

RSU 10 Superintendent Tom Ward announced the possibility of using the former school at the board meeting Monday night. If an agreement can be made, he said the new alternative education program would begin in the fall.

Pulsifer said the Ad Hoc Committee will make a recommendation, and the selectmen will work out the lease details.

“This could be a good arrangement for both of us,” Pulsifer said.

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