We’re living proof: Girls go with horses.

Bag Lady and Shopping Siren both have old, black riding helmets in our basements from riding lessons long past, a factoid we didn’t discover about each other until walking the aisles of Adams Horse & Pet Supplies on Route 202 in Winthrop last week.

And that’s not all we took away from Adams.

We also learned about the latest trends in hoof polish, jodhpurs and wheat-based cat litter. So, a lot.

About half of the former Branding Iron restaurant is dedicated to horse paraphernalia (many, many saddles, bridles, blankets, brushes, etc.) and the other half to cats, dogs and smaller pets. So while we’ve moved from horse-loving little girls to dog- and cat-loving adults, we didn’t feel left out. Except maybe when it came to the hoof polish.   

— Classic Equine crazy paisley vinyl hoof boots, $22.95


Our renewed path to horse ownership nearly started here. Paisley hoof boots!? As Rachel Zoe would say, “I die.”

— Pink crocheted ear covers, $17.95

Although we question the effectiveness of a crocheted ear cover, the color, the style and the sheer adorableness of it made us swoon. We would totally cover the delicate ears of our pretend pony, Moxie Belle, with such a fashion statement.

— Sturdy Steed flavored salt blocks, $4.59
Comes in peppermint stick, candy apple and candy carrot flavors. On the next shelf, plain salt blocks were a mere $1.49. But what’s $3 when little Moxie Belle can get her salt needs met with peppermint flavoring?
— Swheat Scoop wheat cat litter, 40 lbs., $32.26

Clay-free, biodegradable. We’re at a loss for words, so, we’ll let the Swheat Scoop promotional video do the talking: “Swheat Scoop can be safely digested if accidentally swallowed by household pets or children” and “Your customers will probably be shocked to know that over 2 million tons of conventional cat litter are dumped into landfills each year.” Wow, on many levels.

— Kong stuffing paste, various flavors, 8 oz., $6.49
Think Cheez Whiz for dogs.

— Charles Owen ultralite child’s body armor, $189

There was an entire rack devoted to these. About here is when we started thinking, “Riding has changed a bit since we were young.” Also came with a pocket pull-sheet for medical stats. No, not kidding.


— Zuke’s Hip-Action peanut butter treats with glucosamine and chondroitin, 1 lb., $12.55

Oh, puppy loves. The Dobermans wouldn’t admit it, but they are getting a little gray around the muzzle and squeaky in the hip.

— Squeak’n Play Ball of Furry, $7.90

A fuzzy little brown mouse in a bamboo-ish ball, with catnip. The ball means it won’t get stuck under the dresser without extra effort. Oh, it’ll totally still get under there, though.

Best find: Twinkle Toes Ultra Fine Hoof Polish, $15.45

Bottle says the polish will make “hooves dance with sparkle and light.” We believe it! The polish appeared to be a clear base infused with glitter. Gold glitter. Maroon glitter. Rainbow glitter. Star-spangled glitter. Because if there’s one thing little girls dream about besides horses, it’s horses covered in glitter.

Think twice: Breyer Stable Cleaning Set, $27

With bucket, shovel and wheelbarrow. An early introduction to the toil of cleaning, but in miniature! Too bad our horsey girlhood never glorified things like mucking stalls. Besides, Moxie Belle is trained to micturate in the Swheat.

Bag Lady and Shopping Siren’s true identities are protected by a pair of stylish, sweater-wearing Doberman pinschers (who place their hips in high regard) and the Customer Service counter at the Sun Journal. You can reach them at baglady@sunjournal.com and shoppingsiren@sunjournal.com.

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