BYRON — Selectmen were asked this week why they plow part of Garland Pond Road for one resident with a medical issue and not another on the same road.

Sarah Nadeau, speaking on behalf of Darla Patneaude, said Patneaude is paying $100 per storm to have the road plowed from the Roxbury town line to her home. Nadeau said Patneaude’s husband recently had triple bypass surgery and plowing is necessary in case of a medical emergency.

“I don’t know who can pay $100 a storm,” Nadeau said.

Patneaude’s home is near the end of the 14-mile, mostly dirt road.

Selectmen stopped plowing the road in December after they learned voters discontinued winter maintenance nearly 10 years ago.

The person for whom part of Garland Pond Road is plowed was not named.


“We address the one resident in town because we received a petition of several people in town who have an interest in us plowing that for their health benefits,” board Chairwoman Linda Joyal said. The town received a letter from a home health agency with the petition outlining the needs, and selectmen agreed to pay for plowing with money from the emergency fund, she said.

Nadeau agreed with the board’s decision to plow part of the road but said it should go the entire length. She said even though Patneaude pays for plowing, she still takes her husband to the Roxbury Town Office to meet the ambulance because she’s concerned the road won’t be passable.

“If you’re going to accommodate one taxpayer, you should accommodate all taxpayers,” Nadeau said.

“It would be thousands just to plow through, let alone maintain and keep it open all winter,” Selectman Rick Comstock said.

Joyal said she planned to contact Patneaude, but it was unclear Friday whether she had.

Another resident suggested Byron should become a township governed by Oxford County, which would be responsible for road maintenance.

Selectmen will meet next at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, at the Town Office.

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