Paul LePage’s family plank is a radical re-definition of the role of parents and government to the detriment of children. To implement his plank, the laws of Maine would have to be radically altered, departments of government closed, and parents would be enabled to prevent medical care for their children for religious reasons.

The sanctity of life means that human life is inviolable because “we are made in God’s image or have a soul” and LePage agrees. Human life is so important it must be protected at all costs because of its religious importance and LePage agrees.

If life is an unalienable right, then how can health care, one of the means to protect and preserve life, be a service and not be an unalienable right? Does LePage judge our “rights” based on what it costs him?

We must vote anyone but LePage in November; protect Maine’s children and families.

Jonathan Albrecht, Dixfield

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