Norway artist Carrie Lynn incorporates the landscape into a mural on Tucker Street. Dee Menear/Advertiser Democrat

NORWAY — Artist Carrie Lynn of Norway is spreading a little bit of colorful cheer on Tucker Street.

Lynn is painting rural summer scenes on a 53-foot fence, and it is drawing plenty of attention.

“I’ve always been an artist,” she said. “I was looking for something to do, and put out the word that I was looking for a fence to paint. Guy McCallister offered his.”

Norway artist Carrie Lynn. Submitted photo

She started painting the scene June 1, and spends about two hours each day adding details — if the weather cooperates.

“Every time she comes here, I am amazed at the amount of work she gets done,” McCallister said.

The scene changes daily. Over the course of a week, tulips and a weeping willow have found their way into the landscape. Mountainous terrain has been added into the background. Details have emerged in the creeping ivy and lush greenery. 


She plans to add horses, paths and whatever else strikes her.

“This scene is not geared toward any one person,” she said. “It is for everyone. I won’t stop until I am satisfied with it, if I ever am.”

Those who travel the road often stop to admire the artwork.

Weather permitting, the scene changes daily as details are added to the mural. Dee Menear/Advertiser Democrat

“Looking good,” said a woman driving by the scene June 12. “I love it.”

“I love that,” Lynn said. “That’s the best part of this. My hope is that this makes people smile and it does.”

She is hopeful the project will lead to other work opportunities for her.

Those looking to have artwork added to their landscape can email the artist at


Norway artist Carrie Lynn fills in the leaf detail on a Tucker Street fence she is painting. Dee Menear/Advertiser Democrat

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