The 40th Dolbier Reunion was held at the home of Christian and Sheila Raymond in Rangeley with potluck lunch.

Offices elected were President Deanne Ochoa–Durrell of Livermore Falls, Vice president: Dawn Durrell of Livermore Falls, secretary: Joanne Raymond of Langtown, Treasurer: Cathy White of Rangeley, Historian and News Report: Dawn Durrell of Livermore Falls.

Prayer was done by Byron “Bud” Philbrick Jr. of Strong. Traveling the farthest was Rodney and June Philbrick of St. Augustus, Florida.

Oldest male: George “Huck” Haley of Rangeley Plantation.

Oldest female: Jean Carlow of Strong.

Youngest male: Owen Raymond of Gorham


Youngest female: Emma Raymond of Gorham

One birth recorded: Owen James Raymond on May 10, 2019.

Three marriages recorded.

There was 27 adults and 9 children from Phillips, Strong, Rangeley Plantation, Rangeley, Langtown, Gorham, Portland, Livermore Falls, Stratton and Kingfield, Maine, Cranston R.I.  and St. Augustus, FL.

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