100 Years Ago: 1919

Six of the Bliss girls put on a “Ford stunt” last Friday evening at the YMCA parlors. It represented a country party having their first ride in a Ford. After several accidents, such as running over a cat. they were arrested by the sheriff. The girls who took part were Lura. McLain, Marcia Ellis, Hazel Curtis, Elizabeth Loring, Cherrie Toothaker and Mary Elliott.

50 Years Ago: 1969

The town of Lisbon will hold a special town meeting, Monday at 7 pm. at the Lisbon High Gymnasium. Plans for the construction of a $1,700.00 high school will be considered. The high school building committee announced that the one-story building would house 650 students.

25 Years Ago: 1994

Junior Girl Scout Troop 314 of Lisbon will hold a bottle drive today from 9 am to noon The troop is raising money to pay for a trip to Boston for a sleep-over at the Boston Museum of Science. Donations are greatly appreciated. Anyone wishing to donate may call Pinky Bussiere or Donna Rimiller or Don Fillmore.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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