BETHEL — Dr. Daniel van Buren, Board Certified Cardiologist, returns during American Heart Month to present a program, “What’s New in Treating Heart Disease,” on Thursday, Feb. 6,  from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Bethel Congregational Church, Bethel. Snow date is Feb. 13. The program is sponsored by To Your Health of Western Mountains Senior College.

Dr. van Buren has been a popular speaker for To Your Health for the past seven years and returns to further educate the community about heart disease. He said that cardiovascular disease is still the number one cause of death in the United States and throughout much of the industrialized world. He added, “As our population continues to age with 15% of people in the United Sates over the age of 65, novel therapies are evolving to treat cardiovascular disease.”

He said these include less invasive therapies for heart disease, which were previously treated with major surgical procedures. New implantable devices include one that reduces the risk of stroke associated with certain arrhythmias. These may eliminate the need for “blood thinning” medications and their well-known side effects. “We will discuss these advances and how they are being used to treat some of the most common diagnosed cardiovascular diseases,” he concluded.

Dr. vanBuren is well qualified to address the topic of heart disease as he is board certified in internal medicine, adult echocardiography, nuclear cardiology and cardiovascular disease. He is a Fellow in the American College of Cardiology. He completed his internal medicine and cardiology training in Brooklyn, NY. He is director of the New England Heart Institute at Androscoggin Valley Hospital and resides in Bethel.

The program is sponsored as a community service by To Your Health of Western Mountains Senior College with the collaboration of Bethel Family Health Center and MSAD#44/Continuing Education. The public is invited, and admission is free. Light refreshments available. For more information, call Peter Musso at 207-890-7034.

Dr. Daniel van Buren. Submitted photo

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