Linda Gramlich, Sheryl Titcomb, Barbara Lambert, and Amy Palmer are making Valentine cards for Hospice. Submitted photo

FARMINGTON — The Happy Handy Helpers group met on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, at the Franklin County Extension Office. Amy Palmer led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and Homemaker Creed. Then she introduced the new officers for 2020.

They are Amy Palmer- President, Linda Gramlich-Vice President, Sheryl Titcomb-Secretary, Barbara Lambert-Treasurer, and Linda Brown-Advisory Board Representative. Amy thanked Lois King for her several years of leadership as president stating she had big shoes to fill.

The health tip this month was about the super fruit blueberries. A thank you was read for our group’s participation in the Franklin County Extension Homemakers Rotary Christmas tree which was auctioned for $350.00 for charity. The facial tissue campaign collected 450 boxes which were equally divided between the elementary schools throughout Franklin County.

Also discussed was the upcoming Franklin County Extension Homemakers Spring Meeting to be hosted by the Neighborhood group. It will happen on May 16th at the Trinity Methodist Church with a theme of “Circle of Friends”.

After a delicious pot luck lunch, everyone had fun designing Valentine cards. Several members donated red, white, and blue scraps of fabric, ribbon, old cards and calendars, card stock, stickers, and scrapbook paper for the project for hospice requested by Lois King. Sheryl Titcomb brought all kinds of scissors, glue, stickers, card stock, etc. to make cards and Amy Palmer brought some printed sayings to be glued onto the cards. The goal was to make 100 Valentine cards for hospice.

Next month’s meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26th at the Franklin County Extension Office starting at 11:00 a.m. Everyone is encouraged to bring a food to share for our pot luck luncheon and Linda Dwinal requested donated lace, double wide folded bias tape and old pillowcases (not white) for Dresses for African girls. The program for the meeting will be “Using Essential Oils” with Linda Dwinal and a guest speaker.

All meetings are free and the public is cordially invited to attend. FMI call the Extension Office at 778-4650.

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