
We are in need of a few volunteers to help with recess coverage to help monitor/play to support students engaged in healthy play. Our recess time is from 11:40-12:40. If you are interested, please call the school office at 674-2332.


The Annual Custodian Auction is March 14. Snow date March 15. If you are interested in donating an item, please contact Eric Liimatta, our custodian. If you plan to attend, it will be held at OHCHS in the cafeteria. The event is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  They will put tickets in bags and drawing starts 1 p.m.



Paperwork was sent home last week on this challenge. If your student didn’t get anything, please let us know. If your child reads five books before March 20, he/she can earn a ticket to a specific game. You can purchase tickets as well. All forms must be mailed by March 20, to the Sea Dogs.

Mrs. Clarke

Although I’ve been out all week, reading through each teacher’s column reminds me of how dedicated our staff is to your children and their learning. I am a very blessed school leader!
I just received an email from the Amtrak Downeaster sharing the news that with each adult ticket purchased, children can ride free during February vacation (from the 17th to the 29th)! If you decide to take advantage of this travel opportunity, use the code v818 to purchase tickets.


PreK – Pre-K is on our last week in unit 3. We have been exploring snow in our sensory table by painting it, melting it with spray bottles, and looking at what is left the next day when it melts. Now when we remind everyone why we should not eat snow we have an example to reflect with them on.
At the art table we have painted with frozen ice cube paints, the more it melted the darker the color seemed to be. We also painted ice cubes with water color paints. We have been making snowmen at the art easel, by providing different materials this is an open ended activity that makes each snowman unique.
A reminder that our next parent group is Thursday, February 13.
Ms. Larracey

indergarten – We are continuing to measure in math. We are also using pattern blocks to create puzzles and recording what blocks we used and how many.
We will continue writing a sentence a day as we are working on sounding out words, writing what we hear, putting spaces between the words and remembering to end with punctuation. When we’re done, everyone takes a turn reading the sentence.
We continue “How to Books.”
Please make sure your child brings to school snow pants, coat, hat, and mittens daily.
Mrs. Biggers


Grade One – The illnesses of winter are upon us! Please remind your child that washing hands frequently with warm water and soap is the best way to stay healthy! I was home sick at the beginning of the week, too, so no one is immune! 🙂
We are working on continuing the counting sequence in math, as well as counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. We are looking for patterns that we notice as we fill in our Counting to 120 Charts.
In Reading and Writing, we are continuing our study of nonfiction and in Science, we are continuing to learn all about sound and waves.
Next week, with the arrival of Groundhog Day, we’ll be moving on to light and shadows.
I’ll be sending home a class list next week if your child would like to distribute valentines to the rest of the students in our room.
Mrs. Chafin

Grade Two – It’s been another busy week in second grade and it’s exciting that we are coming into another month, a month that is full of fun learning activities!
We finished our erosion/weathering unit this week with learning about landslides; what causes them and ways to help prevent them. It was another messy activity but we all had a great time!
We will be discussing dental health, healthy eating, and ways to stay healthy in the upcoming weeks.
During writing this week we’ve been working on using strong words to persuade our reader.
We wrapped up our last STAR test this week and the students have done well to take them seriously. I’m very proud of them.
Just a reminder that our 100th day is Friday Feb. 7. I sent home a request with each student for an item for our
100th Day Trail Mix. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please have items in by Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Puiia

Grade Three – Our writing celebration was a success, with each group having at least one adult to attend! These celebrations are a nice way for classmates and supportive adults to rally together and recognize the efforts each student put into his/her final product.
In math, we are working on computational fluency, beginning with rapid fact recall and leading into adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers by breaking apart ones, tens, and hundreds numerically.
Ask your child about his/her Readworks personal library, which is a digital library based on their own interests.
More to come on that next week.
Mrs. Cooper

Grade Four – We are cruising right along, full steam ahead, into division with remainders and counting multiples of numbers higher than 12! This group is making connections and growing into fantastic mathematicians!
Our Reading Workshop on “Reading the Weather” is unfolding into a challenging, yet engaging unit. We are studying Non Fiction text features and learning how to use them to read Non Fiction texts. Students are thinking about how to take a difficult topic and glean information from tables, charts, diagrams, maps, and how to navigate a text with ease and understanding.
Mrs. Chafin has joined us and she really brings a breath of fresh air and perspective on learning, particularly at the 4th grade level. Welcome Mrs. Chafin!
Mrs. Toita

Grade Five  – In math we’re moving on from the standard algorithm to solve multiplication problems and easing into long division. This is tricky work, so it’s great that kids are working on their multiplication facts outside of school!
We’re continuing to read and learn more about American colonists Native Americans. This week, we read about the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Ask your child what they learned! Soon, we’ll move on to our Earth, Moon, and Stars unit.
This is an absolute fifth grade favorite, and we’re all looking forward to it
Mrs. Timm

Grade Six – I wanted to use this week to really spend a lot of time with constructive writing responses. The students were reintroduced to the R.A.C.E method of responding to questions last week. This week we have taken it to the next level with more in depth details, shorter response time, and higher expectations with their evidence citations.
Informative Writing and Non-Fiction Reading was our primary focus this week. It’s a great opportunity to get these 6th graders out of their role as a student and into a role as a teacher. They are and will continue to be challenged to research, plan, and then instruct on their assigned/chosen topic.
I do leave Saturday until after February vacation. I have spent considerable time ensuring the work continues at a level which challenges our learners and maximizes their time here at Agnes. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Mr. Onofrio

Upcoming Events

Friday, February 7 – All School Gathering, 8:45 a.m. in the gym
Monday, February 17-Friday, February, 21 – No School.  Vacation

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