To the Editor:

Ken Morse is working to become your Maine House representative for West Paris, Waterford, Norway and Sweden. Each house district population is close in equal numbers of constituents, has a two-year term, and represents a district which has approximately 8,797 people as of the 2010 census. These four towns are close to that total population. Ken wants to be your representative in Augusta.

Ken was raised in Waterford on his family orchard. Anyone who knows of farm work knows various chores and repairs always are need. Ken learned in the field and orchard, up and down those ladders carrying apples to bins to the loaders. Maybe that’s where his knees first ‘started to talk’ loudly. I remember the family orchard as the largest in the area. A monstrous cider press squeezed the apples not sold or shipped far and wide.

I’ve known Ken for a long time, over 40 years. He guided the growth of our local food co-op, founded, owned, and operated Grass Roots Graphics—still in business under different ownership.  Ken is currently deeply involved with food networks keeping him in touch with statewide issues as well as rooted in local community efforts.  Ask about Ken’s reputation. Responses to that question: a worker, an outstanding person of high moral character, strong interpersonal skills, and a long list of getting the job completed satisfactorily.

Knowing someone is not simply what jobs they’ve had. To know and to understand others, one must listen, observe personal interactions between and among others. Ken listens and observes. Ken asks great questions. Ken is knowledgeable. Ken cares about issues affecting you: our environment, our jobs/economy, healthcare, education—all focused on being accomplished sustainably. Ken is an organizer and leader.

Look for Ken’s run to the state house. “Rooted in Community” is his theme. (There may even be an extra ‘O’ in ROOOTed in Community.)  Loook for that extra in Ken tooo.

I strongly support Ken. We want and need your support too—beginning now and in November.

Don Verrill

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