Anyone who has a heart and a soul will agree that black lives matter. But the sad truth is that abortion rates in the United States are highest by ethnic grouping among African-Americans.

Depending upon where one mines his data (Kaiser Family Foundation, CDC, Guttmacher Institute, Abort73, Arizona Capitol Times), African-Americans make up anywhere from 12-13.3% of the general population and African-American women comprise 14% of child-bearing women. Since 1973 — and here is where the numbers get a little muddled — anywhere between 44 and 62 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. Of that number, nearly 18 million were performed on African-American women, or 29-40% of all abortions.

Even in the lower ranges, these are staggering numbers for one ethnic group that speak to a lot more than choice where African-American women are concerned.

If we as a nation have the blood of George Floyd on our collective hands, we as a nation need to expand or refine the definition of institutional racism and start looking in places other than just police precincts.

Mark Wood, Poland

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