This is a cell phone photo of Comet NEOWISE taken on the evening of July 15 from a field on Crockett Ridge Road in Norway. It is not as spectacular as many of the photos you’ll see on line, but it is similar to what we saw and what you could actually see, and it is spectacular to see such a thing in the sky. The actual size of the comet in the sky is important, if you want people to know what you saw, but it is unknown in nearly all of the comet’s ubiquitous photos. Ten degrees is the length of your fist, from thumb to pinky, held at arm’s length. If you use averted vision (not looking directly at the comet, as you should in the sky), you might see the tail extending as far as the dim star it is pointing toward. That distance is approximately 17 degrees, which makes NEOWISE a serious unaided eye comet!  Tom Hoffelder

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