DEAR SUN SPOTS: As the summer season progresses in the herb garden, we are finding we could use some extra helping hands to harvest, weed and maintain the gardens. If you are interested in volunteering for either a day or on a regular basis, please be in touch via email at or Thank you and we hope to see you in the garden soon!

— Allie and Signe, herb gardeners and volunteer coordinators, New Gloucester

ANSWER: How I love this place! What a wonderful opportunity for everyone who likes to be outside in the garden. I hope readers will take advantage of working alongside sweet people under the big blue Maine sky.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Someone left a Rubbermaid brand gray metal walking cane at the store at Applewald Farm in Litchfield early this past week (July 13-15). If it belongs to you, please come on back or call us at 268-4042. — Cynthia, Litchfield

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am in need of a mannequin, preferably one of wire or a composite, not of cloth. Please call 779-0845. — No name, no town

ANSWER: Whenever readers ask for an item, it’s always assumed that they will offer a fair price for it unless the person offering the item wants it to give it away. Offering to barter is acceptable as well.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like some advice from readers. Is anyone else having trouble with aggressive red squirrels this summer? I have one that keeps trying to get in my house. He hangs on the window screens in my kitchen and looks for opportunities to get in. I had a friend over the other day and this squirrel ran right at her as she stood on the deck near the window!

Other than getting a pellet gun or something more substantial, what should I do? What has worked for others? So far the squirrel has evaded the Havahart trap. Do those bucket traps work, or the sprays or those electronic gizmos? I called a pest-control company and they told me the best thing to do was to try the traps, but then what? I could really use some help and this varmint is very persistent. — No name, Lisbon Falls

ANSWER: I have heard about several people having issues with squirrels and chipmunks. One reason is because of the bumper crop of acorns. I’ve noticed the pinecones are prolific as well. I will be really interested to hear what other readers have to say. Someone told me that trapping them is good but you have to drive them quite a distance away to keep them from returning. The thought of being in a vehicle with one of these critters in tow is not appealing at all.

Are there any experts out there in Sun Spots Land? Please help!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: On Thursday, July 16, I was at my grandson’s baseball game in Bowdoin and lost my car keys. A very sweet young woman found them for me. I had dropped them in the grass at the perimeter of the field and hadn’t realized it. I didn’t get her name and wanted to send a thank you out to her. — Kaye, no town

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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