OTISFIELD — Jennifer Rebecca Blastow, of Otisfield, has announced her candidacy for Maine HD 72 including the towns of Mechanic Falls, Otisfield and Oxford. Blastow is a first-time candidate. Explaining her decision to run for office she said “When members of the Oxford County Democrats approached me about running, I felt it was important to step up. I believe Democracy works best when everyone participates, and voters have a choice of candidates.”

Blastow received her bachelor’s and masters’s degrees from the University of Souther Maine. She has worked as a nurse practitioner for over 18 years. She currently lives in Otisfield with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys working in her community at Western Maine Primary Care in Internal Medicine. Everyday she hears the frustrations of her patient’s who are underinsured or uninsured. “I want to help make sure every one of my patients knows that they can come in and see me when they are sick and not worry that they might go bankrupt doing this. Especially in the time of COVID 19” she stated.

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