To the Editor:

First responders are dedicated to the health, well-being, and public safety, the COVID-19 pandemic has created some major challenges. Daily, whether responding to calls or working at local testing sites, we are constantly in danger of exposure, and our families are too. However, we are a critical part of Maine’s, and the country’s, response, and we are committed to this responsibility.

There is no question the pandemic upended our industry. Additionally, the personal sacrifices, having the proper medications and supplies is a critical part of what we do. We are usually first on the scene of an emergency and care for patients prior to their arrival at a hospital. With major disruptions in the supply chain and shortages of critical supplies, our work, our health, and the patients we serve were all compromised.

But thanks to the swift actions of those within our supply chain, first responders were able to remain resilient.

Our healthcare distribution partners, specifically, played a critical role in our ability to care for patients. Adapting immediately, distributors used their logistics expertise and relationships with health care professionals and facilities across the supply chain to make sure the most impacted areas had the medications and treatments that they need. These companies mitigated mass disruptions to the best of their ability and kept first responders, doctors, nurses, and pharmacies alike supplied. And I am certainly appreciative.


Crystal Aylward
Deputy Chief

Bethel Rescue

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