We know that QAnon, the Proud Boys, and other Trump followers believe everything Trump says, no matter how obviously false, but it’s still shocking to see a gang of domestic terrorists in MAGA hats (not antifa or BLM) trying to wreck the U.S. Capitol.

Some of these “patriots” were trying to find and kill Nancy Pelosi. Real patriots do not bring guns, knives, Confederate flags, nooses and gallows to a “peaceful” protest, damage and steal government property, and injure and kill police. Decent presidents would never encourage them.

Many terrorists who attacked the Capitol believe crazy QAnon ideas. Why have they stopped believing facts and started believing weird conspiracy theories?

They actually think Democrats drink blood, worship Satan, and run a worldwide child abuse ring. Some think that alien rays started the California fires and that the moon landing and school shootings are fake.

A former Q fanatic told Anderson Cooper that QAnon people seriously believe that he is a robot. Evangelicals believe God sent Trump, one of the most godless people in America. Many Republicans promote “stop the steal” even though everyone really knows that Trump lost in a free and fair election.

The Republican Party now has two factions: one group of normal Republicans who still believe in America and the truth, and the “other Republicans,” who side with people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boehbert, and Madison Cawthorne, the neo-Nazis or white supremacists or QAnon supporters.

They’re stealing the party. Normal Republicans need to stop them.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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