Maple syrup season is fast approaching, so no better time than now to grasp an opportunity.

The need to expand Maine’s economy is on everyone’s mind and Rep. Matthew Peterson of Rumford has the right approach with submission of LD 109: “Resolve, To Establish The Commission To Study the Promotion and Expansion of the Maple Syrup Industry.” LD 109 will help build Maine’s economy through manufacturing, research and development, thus creating less dependence on out-of-state resources.

With the state government’s focus on growing Maine, how better than to expand a market that has an endless demand and shortage of supply?

Maine has more vast resources, determination and capable work force than any state or province. Maine needs to make an investment in the production of natural resources. LD 109 will begin the process.

Chris Botka, Rangeley

Editor’s note: Chris Botka is owner of Maine Mountain Maple, makers of maple syrup.

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