Of the six broadband companies that attended the March 10th mandatory pre-proposal meeting only two submitted proposals for review.  Matrix Engineering and Consolidated Communications provided plans to build, operate and maintain a high speed fiber optic broadband network that would connect every business and residence in Dallas Plantation, Sandy River Plantation,  Rangeley Plantation and the Town of Rangeley.
The municipal broadband delegates of these four communities reviewed and evaluated the proposals.  The delegates believe the proposals contain a viable option for the areas broadband goals and want to take the next step to move forward.  The next step is to create an Interlocal Agreement.  An Interlocal Agreement  would be a cooperative agreement between the four communities that allows them to enter into formal negotiations with a broadband provider.   Maine Municipal Association recommends that each of the four towns include an article on their Town Warrant that allows the voters to authorize their Assessors or Selectmen to enter into such an agreement. The apportioned share of costs for creating an Interlocal Agreement would be 16.7% for Sandy River Plantation, 20.9% for Rangeley Plantation, 22.6% for Dallas Plantation and 39.8% for the Town of Rangeley.  If voters authorize their delegates to move forward, an InterLocal Agreement could be completed before the end of July and formal negotiations would begin shortly there after.
The Town of Rangeley will discuss their Interlocal Agreement warrant article at the April 5th public hearing on the draft Annual Town Meeting Warrant. This draft Warrant also includes a question to approve changes to Rangeley’s Zoning Ordinance.
The changes to Rangeley’s 127 page Chapter 38 ZoningOrdinance were presented at a public hearing held by the Rangeley Planning Board on March 24, 2021. Changes are proposed to the Land Use Tables, Definitions, Sign Regulations, Lighting Regulations and Timber Harvesting among others.
The lighting section has many proposed changes in an effort to adopt International Dark Sky language, definitions and requirements.  The lighting of business signs is included in this section.
There are many proposed changes to sign regulations including prohibiting internally lit signs.  Just the definitions specific to signs occupy four pages of the Ordinance.  The section on sign regulations will be twice that many pages when completed.
Land Use Tables  depict the uses allowed in each zone and who has the authority to issue a permit. Allowed uses are permitted by either the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) or the Planning Board (PB).
Day Care Centers were a land use that the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board were not in agreement on.  The Ordinance Committee was in favor of allowing day care centers to operate in more zones than the Planning Board.
To obtain a copy of the Chapter 38 Zoning Ordinance proposed changes contact the Rangeley Town Office.  Chapter 38 and the Draft Annual Town Meeting Warrant (available at the Town Office) are scheduled for discussion and public input at the Public Hearing on April 5, 2021 at 5:00pm.  The Board of Selectmen’s regularly scheduled meeting will start at the conclusion of the Public Hearing.

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