GREENWOOD — Last week selectmen discussed a request for a town meeting article to “opt in” adult-use marijuana. The request was made by resident Nick Bartlett.

If voters decide to opt in, it means that the town would develop an ordinance on adult-use marijuana that would be voted on next year.

At their 2019 annual meeting, residents overwhelmingly voted to opt in on medical marijuana. This year’s annual town meeting will be held on Saturday, May 22 at 9 a.m. at the Legion hall.

In other news, Selectwoman Amy Chapman said public hearings on the 2021-2022 budget, medical marijuana ordinance draft and business licensing ordinance draft will be held on Tuesday, May 4 at 6 p.m. following the board’s regularly scheduled meeting at 5 p.m.

Selectmen also agreed to allot $2,500 to Western Hills Access Television (WHAT) out of the town’s current budget. The funds will be used to help get and setup camera and broadcasting technology so the town is able broadcast all of its meetings.

Morton said he has asked other towns in the area for $2,500, also. He said he wants each town office in the area to have this camera and broadcasting equipment so meetings can always be viewed even if municipal buildings are closed to the public. Morton also said eventually he would like to have other organizations in town, such as historical societies, to have access to this technology as well.


“We want to provide more local content for people,” Morton said.

Morton also asked for one selectperson to volunteer to learn how to use the technology, saying it would make the overall process easier. Morton also added that he eventually wants to have members of the Telstar Audiovisual Club come and cover events once they are brought up to speed on the process.

Previous meetings/events WHAT has covered can be found on YouTube by searching Western Hills Access Television.

Also at the meeting, selectmen approved awarding a mowing bid of $11,200 to West Paris resident Anthony Billings. Billings had worked for Wesley Cox, who previously mowed for Greenwood. The bid is $200 more than last year’s.

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