DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Androscoggin Gleaners are looking for volunteers for the summer and fall growing season. We are affiliated with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Healthy Androscoggin, and work with local farms to harvest excess produce and put it into the hands of organizations that fill emergency food needs in our community.

We visit our farm partners on a regular basis to harvest for an hour and half to two hours before splitting up the harvest and delivering it to various food access sites in the area such as pantries, housing facilities, libraries and others. We provide all the training and tools required. Volunteers need only bring a willing spirit!

Find us on Facebook @AndroscogginGleaners or contact us at if you are interested in joining us or would like more information. — Scott, no town

ANSWER: What a wonderful way to be out in the sunshine getting some exercise, making new friends and helping others. More people than you can guess are food-insecure. I hope Sun Spotters will join in this effort by spreading the word and volunteering if you possibly can.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Alas, the lost, lamented Birdman sandwich (May 17 Sun Spots), did indeed die a premature death with the closing of One Stop.

However, Bates College grad Rich Rittenger, Class of 1987, revived it at his tavern, The Lakehouse in Hopkinton, New Hampshire.  I am told Mr. Rittenger fought off more than one attempt by his chef to remove the item from the menu. — Darius, Bates College  Class of 1988, Albany, New York


ANSWER: The Lakehouse does indeed have the Birdman on their menu for $11.95. For those who don’t know, this sandwich is a colossal concoction made with fried chicken topped with roasted turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo on a grilled roll. The website is I’m thinking about making a pilgrimage. Who wants to come?

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In answer to the squirrel question in the May 19 Sun Spots, I had flying squirrels inside my house for one dreadful year. They’re considered a protected species so no exterminator would take the job of ridding the house of them. We ended up capturing or killing more than 100 of them.

The ultimate solution, believe it or not, was to spray coyote urine around the exterior of the house. After that they wouldn’t come near the place. Those inside ended up not wanting to leave, so we caught whoever was left and eventually cleared the house. The dog didn’t like going outside with the coyote smell around the front door, either, so we had to leash her and pull her outside for about three months.

Coyote urine also comes in pellets that can be sprinkled around, and it scares off most animals. It’s available at Home Depot and many hardware stores, and not expensive. Warning: Don’t get it on yourself. It’s an awful smell that doesn’t easily wash off! — Judy, no town

ANSWER: That sounds like a nightmare for you and I’m relieved it has ended. I’m going to try it myself and see if it helps as the red squirrels at my house taunt me constantly. It can be quite unsettling!

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