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Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation 06/11/2022
Class marshals Grace Malo, left, and Thomas Hartnett lead their fellow Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduates to commencement during a graduation ceremony Friday night at the Gouin Complex in South Paris. Brewster Burns photo
Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation 06/11/2022 -
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Class marshals Grace Malo, left, and Thomas Hartnett lead their fellow Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduates to commencement during a graduation ceremony Friday night at the Gouin Complex in South Paris.
Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation 06/11/2022 -
Brewster Burns photo |
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Valedictorian Katie Hallee addresses the crowd Saturday night during the Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation ceremony at the Gouin Complex in South Paris.
Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation 06/11/2022 -
Brewster Burns photo |
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Katrina Moccia Robinson, center, presents her father, retiring Principal Ted Moccia, left, with an Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School diploma as incoming Principal Paul Bickford looks on Friday during a graduation ceremony at the Gouin Complex in South Paris.
Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School graduation 06/11/2022 -
Brewster Burns photo |
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Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School senior Dawson Joseph waits for his name to be called Saturday during graduation at the Gouin Complex in South Paris.