Show The World Church of the Creator that Mainers don’t hate, but do it peacefully.

Like many other area residents I am disturbed and disgusted that Matt Hale and his World Church of the Creator have chosen Lewiston for a rally, but I want to urge people not to rise to his bait.

I am sure Mr. Hale would like nothing more then a violent confrontation. The battle cry of these people is RAHOWA for RAcial HOly WAr, so obviously they are not dismayed by violence.

If you find their ideology objectionable, as I do, then do not attend. Ignoring them is much better then confronting them in this case. Even better, attend a counter demonstration, but one held at a different location.

This whole sad episode has already gained Lewiston enough negative attention. We don’t need violence to make it worse.

David Maher, Auburn

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