LIVERMORE FALLS – Members of the newly formed Budget Committee held their first meeting with town officials Monday night.

To date, 17 residents have indicated their willingness to serve on that committee and take part in the budget review for 2003-04. Membership in the committee is still open, Town Manager Alan Gove said Monday afternoon.

Participating are: Maxine Bailey, Allie Bond, Ron Chadwick, Alan Drake, Joyce Drake, Russell Flagg, Jackie Knight, Bernal Lake, Bill Nichols, Roger Ouellette, Peter Riordan, Herbert Robertson, Eric Rodzen, Erlon Rose, Angela Smith, Bert White and Rod Wright.

Residents interested in serving should contact Gove at the town office, 897-2016.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. April 14 at the town office.

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