DEAR ABBY: I am a Navy wife. My husband is deployed to the Persian Gulf. Since his departure, I find myself worrying most of the time, and I would like to do something constructive. I’d like to get a job, because frankly, I could use the extra income, but I don’t know where to start.
We recently moved to Norfolk, Va., but will probably have to relocate again when my husband returns to the States, so I can’t commit to a long-term position. Since you do such a wonderful job assisting families with all kinds of issues, have you any suggestions for me?
Thank you in advance. – ELIZABETH GUIDRY, NORFOLK, VA.
DEAR ELIZABETH: I admire your “take action” approach to coping with the stress and separation, and I agree that a job would be a terrific outlet. I consulted a friend at the Department of the Navy, who suggests that you look into a program called Adecco Career Accelerator. It’s a partnership between the Department of the Navy and a worldwide staffing company called Adecco, specifically designed for military spouses – active and reserve – who have difficulty finding work because of frequent relocations.
Adecco recruiters provide military spouses with career counseling, training and job placement – at no cost to the military or the spouses. The company then places people in a wide range of positions, from administrative to technical, financial and light industrial, which provides a variety of options. Another advantage of this program is that vacation and other benefits transfer with you when you move. The program isn’t hard to find. It operates on or near almost every Navy and Marine Corps base in the country.
Military spouses are a valuable untapped reservoir of talent and resources. We should all recognize the important contributions of military spouses not only in the lives of their families, but also to our nation. I salute each and every one of you, and support your efforts.
To locate the nearest Adecco office, visit
DEAR ABBY: “Humiliated in the Rocky Mountains” said she had found evidence on their computer that her husband was cheating. She did not mention what the “evidence” was, but if it’s e-mails, she should be very cautious about accusing her husband because things aren’t always as they seem.
I set up an e-mail address for my dog, Chester. I give out his address whenever a Web site requires an e-mail address and I do not wish to receive e-mails from them.
Just last night, Chester received an e-mail from “Ginger.” The subject was, “Thanks for the great time last night, Tiger!” While Chester is a fun-loving dog, he is not THAT friendly. I had him “fixed” when he was a year old.
It turned out to be an unsolicited e-mail (“spam”) advertising a pornographic Web site. Had I received that e- mail and my wife had seen it, goodness knows what she’d think. – KEEPING A CLOSE EYE ON CHESTER, NORTHBROOK, ILL.
DEAR KEEPING: Thank you for pointing this out. Your letter may save someone’s marriage from going to the dogs.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
For everything you need to know about wedding planning, order “How to Have a Lovely Wedding.” Send a business-size, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $5 (U.S. funds only) to: Dear Abby, Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447.
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