Shame to the Lewiston city officials who are supporting the new trash collection policy requiring landlords with four or more units per dwelling to pay for trash collection. City officials are using landlords as scapegoats to generate more revenues.

This proposal is nothing more than a back door tax, one that was presented knowing full well it would generate the least amount of public controversy. Why? Most residents are probably breathing a collective sigh of relief, grateful that they are not the ones being charged. At least not yet.

This proposal comes down to nothing more than fairness and integrity.

What is the difference between residential trash generated from single family homes or from apartment buildings? Absolutely nothing!

What about other trash producing properties that are exempt from this policy: single family homes, office buildings, tax-exempt entities and the like.

This proposal if filled with far too many inequities and ramifications. Imagine the trash dumping that will result. Wow! Talk about a mess.

The people affected by this proposal are landlords who care about their community. Slumlords won’t care one way or the other.

With a 30 to 60 percent rise in fire insurance premiums, with the rise in water and sewer rates, combined with the trash removal fees, tenants are sure to see rental increases. That’s unfortunate.

Trash collection is the one tangible service that people receive from their tax dollars. Either no one pays, or we all pay. It’s only fair.

Mike Bernier, Lewiston

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