Dear Sun Spots: My daughter will be getting married in early September in a 5 p.m. ceremony in a Lewiston church. Her reception will be held approximately eight miles away in Auburn. Her biggest wish is to have outdoor pictures taken while there is still daylight. Does anyone know of a place (besides Bates College) in the Lewiston area where there would be beautiful scenery for outdoor pictures? Your help would be greatly appreciated. – No Name, Lewiston.

Answer: Sun Spots checked with several colleagues who gave the following recommendations: One option is the Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary on Highland Spring Road. It’s possible the bridal party may still have daylight time to go to Range Ponds State Park between Poland and Poland Spring. You could contact them at (207) 998-4104. There are also areas of Lake Auburn that are very scenic and pretty and you might want to check it out to see if some areas of it will suffice for your needs.

Perhaps there are also other readers out there who know of other special places they might be willing to recommend to this mother.

Dear Sun Spots: We enjoy your column very much for all the answers it gives. We now have a question of our own.

Where in the Lewiston/Auburn area can 15- and 16-year-old boys play baseball in the spring, other than high school teams? – B.T. Lewiston.

Sun Spots spoke with Carol Roy, former vice president of Elliott Avenue Little League (part of the National Little League Association) and whose husband Steven is now president who says you can call them. Steve Roy may be reached at (207) 782-7295. You may also want to call the South Lewiston Little League’s Ernie Gagne at (207) 786-3242.

Dear Sun Spots: Would you be able to find a place where I could purchase a waterbed repair kit? Thank you very much for your help. – V.W., Jay.

Contact Bedder Rest at 740 Center St., in Auburn at (207) 784-9634. They carry a $3 kit. They are open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon-Sat and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. You might also want to contact Sun Spots found a vinyl repair kit advertised on their Web site for a fast-acting adhesive and vinyl patching material that make repairs fast and easy. The $6 kit includes, adhesive, vinyl patching material and instructions. They may also be reached by phone at 1-888-660-3039.

Dear Sun Spots: Would you happen to know the address of Shania Twain. I’d like very much to write to let her know how much I like her new video. Thank you so much. – Irene Frechette, Lewiston.

Try contacting her at Shania Twain, 40 West Elm St., Greenwich, CT 06830.

Dear Sun Spots: I have noticed that several of the Nancy comics have references to the Portland Sea Dogs. Is the artist from Maine? Thanks for all of your help. – No Name, No Town.

According to artist Guy Gilchrist’s biography located online at, in 1992 Gilchrist created the first of four sports logos for minor league teams one of which was for the Portland Sea Dogs. The Portland Sea Dogs (AA Florida Marlins affiliate), became the best selling logo in the history of minor league baseball. The Web site also notes that Guy enjoys writing and drawing Nancy which appears in over 390 newspaper worldwide and is distributed by United Feature Syndicate. Guy along with his brother Brad returned Nancy to its legendary style Sept. 3, 1995.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Inform Us section under Press Release.

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