LACONIA, N.H. (AP) – With thousands of motorcyclists making final plans for a trip to New Hampshire next month, police are concerned about a potential new wave of drug problems with outlaw biker gangs.

In other parts of the country, outlaw biker clubs like the Hells Angels are known among police as prominent drug dealers, especially involved in the sale of methamphetamine, a potent form of the illegal drug “speed.”

“When were compared to places like the Midwest and the West Coast, we are still virgin territory (regarding methamphetamine),” said John Barthelmes, deputy director of the New England High Intensity Drug Traffic Area task force. “But we see it as a possible emerging trend.”

One reason for the concern is ephedrine, or pseudo-ephedrines, which can be altered to produce methamphetamine, the drug popular among outlaw bikers gangs.

With old sources of the material cut off, dealers are finding it easy to obtain in Canada, he said.

As a result, policing efforts have stepped up along the Canadian border in the West, and authorities are now finding places like Quebec emerging as major suppliers of the pseudo-ephedrines.

“Have we had any major seizures coming across the border into New England? No,” said Barthlemes, “but the New England border is virgin territory. Homeland security is starting to ratchet up the resources put up there some, but when you compare it to whats on the southwest border (with Mexico), its minimal.”

The task force also is concerned about a new form of marijuana called “Quebec Gold,” which is being smuggled over the border. It has double the intoxicating THC content of the typical marijuana found in the United States.

The Hells Angels of New Hampshire has its clubhouse headquarters in Laconia’s Weirs Beach neighborhood.

close to the epicenter of next months Motorcycle Week.

AP-ES-05-25-03 1440EDT

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