I would like to clarify something that was printed in your paper Thursday.

The article titled “Deciding to pipe up” was not very accurate about its statement of my father “discouraging us from playing musical instruments.”

That isn’t what I stated in the interview.

Like most children, I said I wanted to play an instrument but my parents thought I wouldn’t keep it up and didn’t pursue it any further. My father did not “discourage it” as was printed.

When I indicated that my father said I’d never make it, that doesn’t say he was “a hurdle.”

It made my father sound like “a hurdle” I had to overcome, which had no foundation.

I think the article was colored a bit to make it more interesting, something I feel disappointed about.

The statement as written has caused me and my family some grief and embarrassment and it is my hope that your readers see this and understand that you can’t always believe what you read in the paper.

Denise Hurd, Andover

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