In the June 4 Our View, “Safety at home,” you assert that the Department of Human Services must deliver a thorough education component to convince foster parents that caring for children and smoking in the home is required education. It has been in the news forever that secondhand smoke is just as, or more dangerous, as firsthand smoking.
I don’t think anymore knowledge or education is required. Convincing is not the problem. DHS just needs to say, “comply or you don’t receive the money for the care of children and we will remove them.”
It is time that state agencies start delivering the message that they can find foster parents who do not smoke in homes and vehicles when they are caring for children.
Unless someone never reads, watches television or lives in a cave, the dangers of smoking are well known.
Wake up and smell the roses or, in this case, the fresh air.
Joseph Valecko, Lewiston
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