This letter is in response to the Sun Journal’s June 1 article, “Experts: Message key to plan’s success.”

I was at the L/A Excels Convention on May 31 when the Growth Council unveiled Lewiston-Auburn’s new image campaign for the very first time. I wish more people from the community could have been there.

It was a remarkable presentation on dozens and dozens of developments happening right here in Lewiston-Auburn. Every single picture, comment and person connected perfectly to the new slogan, “L/A – It’s Happening Here.”

Unfortunately, I felt the article referenced above did not paint an accurate picture of what was presented that day.

The article, based on information from outside marketing agencies, insinuated that the new marketing campaign, “L/A – It’s Happening Here!” is questionable. I disagree.

It represents what so many citizens and community leaders have been saying for years. Positive change and growth is occurring in Lewiston-Auburn at dramatic rates.

Everywhere we turn there is new construction – in the downtowns, by the mall areas and in the industrial parks. There are new roads, buildings, parks, health centers, arts programs, houses and shopping centers.

When we put it all together it’s quite an impressive list to say the least.

I urge the Sun Journal be a role model for local citizens by printing more about the great projects happening here. Make more of these stories the headlines.

You can showcase L/A to the state of Maine that “It’s Happening Here!”

Michelle Lefebvre, Auburn

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