What is our country coming to? There are plenty of places for non-smokers to work or hang out without smoke.

Are we now becoming a communist state?

Are we going to sit by and watch the government tell us what can and can’t be done within our social gatherings?

How many of our rights are going to be swept under the carpet?

We the people have to stand up and fight for our rights.

A person can choose to go into or work for an establishment that either allows smoking or doesn’t. We don’t need the state to step in and decide what is best for all.

Pretty soon the state will ban drinking in bars and taverns; they will be no more.

What is happening to us that we have allowed this to happen to our rights?

It is time that we the people take back our rights, get to the polls and start getting the right people to represent us!

Pattie Getchell, Litchfield

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