The May 26 Newsweek carried the cover story “Behind the Scandal at the New York Times” about accuracy and factual news coverage.

On page 43 and also page 46, there is a photo of managing editor, Gerald Boyd. He definitely is not white.

In the June 6 Sun Journal on page A8, there was an AP dispatch: “Newspaper executives resign amid scandal.” It carried two photos: one of Times Executive Editor Howell Raines and Managing Editor Gerald Boyd, who most definitely is white.

Which is the real Gerald Boyd?

Isn’t it a bit ironic that articles on news fraud and accuracy do not agree on individual identification?

At least, Mark Laflamme clearly lets readers know what is fact and what is fancy in his columns. Perhaps others should follow his accuracy.

Natalie D. Dunlap, Lewiston

Editor’s note: The photo that appeared on June 6 misidentified the man pictured. It should have identified him as interim Executive Editor Joseph Lelyveld. The Sun Journal published a correction on June 7.

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