It appears that the administration is finding it difficult to support its main contention for attacking Iraq. Whether this was a deliberate doctoring of information and/or due to very poor intelligence is yet to be determined.

However, Bush and company still contend Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. If so, since Saddam Hussein knew we were out to eliminate him, it is illogical to think he would not have used these weapons if he had really possessed them.

It would not surprise me if there are thoughts within this administration of planting the evidence that it so desperately wants to display to the world.

I have the belief that Bush had decided well in advance of the United Nations deliberations to undertake that action.

The other nations that were skeptical of our arguments and wanted inspections to continue probably got it right. Had we heeded their counsel many lives would not have been lost, and the loss of life would not be continuing.

An administration official reportedly has said that even if it was mislead, Americans don’t care. I hope he is wrong, and that we and our Congress will have learned from this recent history to be very skeptical of any administration justifications for future military action and actions on other matters.

John Pehek, Leeds

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