Dear Sun Spots: I love the column and I hope that your readers might be able to help me. I am wheelchair-bound due to MS. I am in need of a lift to leave the house, and I have looked into everything, If any reader would be willing to donate one to me, I would be ever so grateful. Also, if anyone has any ideas on where to look into lifts for my van, let me know. I can be reached by phone at (207) 966-2160. – Kelly Pare, Minot.

Dear Sun Spots: A first-year student at Bates would like to park his car with you. He needs it to be close to campus, off-street, have access to an outside plug for oil pan heater hookup, if outdoors, and not be a bother to others.

Hope you can help! Please contact me at 6619 Ashford Lane, Frederick, MD 21702, (301) 620-9549.
David Langston, Maryland.

Dear Sun Spots: Could you please help me get the name and address of the regional manager for PEP Boys Automotive. – J.G., Auburn.

Pep Boys has its headquarters in Philadelphia. You can write to them at 3111 West Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19132. For more information, you can also check out their Web site at or contact their district manager at 800-737-2697.

Dear Sun Spots: Can you please help me locate an antiques appraiser who specializes in brass? – No Name, No Town.

Unfortunately Sun Spots was unable to find one. Perhaps readers may be able to assist you here.

Dear Sun Spots: I would like to know if there are some dealers of Nikken around. I have some items that I could show them. They can please call me at (207) 353-5178 and we’ll discuss it. You can leave a message if I’m not home. – T.B., Lisbon.

Unfortunately, Sun Spots was unable to locate any locally but perhaps other readers are familiar with this company and may be willing to share any details with you. In the meantime, you may want to contact Nikken Printing Supply U.S.A. at 1117 Tower Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173, (800) 516-8443. Sun Spots is not sure if this is the same company you are seeking.

Dear Sun Spots: I would like to volunteer for the Reading to Children Program. I have lost the contact number. Can someone please call or write to me with the information. I can be reached at P.O. Box 326, 357 Paris Road, Hebron, ME 04238, (207) 966-2817. Thank you. – Nancy Valliere, Hebron.

Answer: Contact the BookReach program of the Auburn and Lewiston Public libraries at 784-0135, extension 213. We hear these volunteers often enjoy the experience as much as the kids do.

Dear Sun Spots: The Sabattus American Legion Post 135 is having a garage sale July 18 and 19 at their post home on Island Road in Sabattus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

If anyone has any items they would like to donate, please call Connie at (207) 353-8217 or Joline (207) 375-9008 or Janet at (207) 375-8897 for pickup arrangements. Thank you for Sun Spots help again this year! – Janet C., Sabattus.

Dear Sun Spots: My brother is looking for a certain brand of horseshoes for pitching. He has been told they are made in Maine. The brand is Red Henton Supremes. Can anyone help me find them for him? I can be reached at (207) 639-4526. – Nana Haines, Phillips.

Sun Spots was able to learn that Glen “Red” Henton, designer of the “Red Henton V-Lok” and “Supreme” horseshoes, is a member of the Iowa and National Horseshoe Pitchers Hall of Fame. He won the Iowa State Championship 19 times. He was the No. 1 player in the U.S. in 1977 and won the World Intermediate Championship twice. Unfortunately, Sun Spots was not able to locate someone making these particular horseshoes here in Maine and hopefully readers out there familiar with this product will be able to assist you.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be posted at in the Inform Us section under Press Release.

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