It is to be expected that a town manager will be subject to a certain amount of criticism in the course of doing his or her job, since it is impossible to please everyone all the time. And vigilance with regard to the performance of public officials is an important part of the democratic process.

But, it has been disheartening for many of us in Buckfield to witness what can only be called harassment, often of a personal nature, of our Town Manager Cindy Dunn by a few citizens who appear concerned with their own personal agendas rather the welfare of the town.

Attempting to respond to the constant unfounded accusations and underhanded criticism in letters and at public meetings takes a toll on our town manager as well as the rest of us. It undermines the democratic process and tears the fabric of the community that we all, including Cindy, love so well.

Cindy has served Buckfield admirably for 20 years, first as administrative assistant to the town manager and, since 1991, as town manager, code enforcement officer and road commissioner. Over the years she has earned the trust of the people of this town by being responsive to their needs, and fair and even-handed in the application of Maine law.

We know of no public official who is more efficient, caring and conscientious. We are fortunate to have her working for the town of Buckfield.

Brian Bennett

Howard Lowell

Rosita Gagne Friel,


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