After reading the editorial July 28 about Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor possibly getting put on the bench for the 11th Circuit Court, I couldn’t help but think the editorial writer is against Pryor just because Pryor is a conservative judge and the writer is a liberal.

He questions things like Pryor’s fund raising, but all you have to do is look at Hillary Clinton’s fund-raising schemes when she was running for the Senate, to name just one Democrat.

Pryor also probably believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not living documents and, therefore, should not be changed (something that Democrats and liberals shudder at). And, yes, Pryor believes in the Second Amendment for what it is, which really makes liberals worry.

Last, Pryor is a Republican, which is why the Democrats hate the idea of him getting the position.

I think it’s about time we had a conservative judge. I don’t believe the liberal judges serving now could decide if a dog has fleas or not.

Paul Lowell, Rumford

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