WILTON – Planners decided Thursday to write a letter to selectmen formally asking that they consider increasing the hours Code Enforcement Officer Brenda Medcoff works.

Planner Keith Swett, who is also a selectman, told the board that Town Manager Peter Nielsen recently indicated that this was not an issue town officials wanted to deal with at this time.

The issue of code enforcement hours arose about two years ago when former Code Enforcement Officer David Giroux presented officials with a breakdown of his hours and planners requested an increase. At that time selectmen chose not to increase his hours. Former Town manger Richard Davis said at the time that he felt it was not the number of hours, but rather how Giroux used them that was the issue.

Medcoff currently works 20 hours per week. Planners want to see that increased to 28 per week.

She said she does not currently have enough time to deal with violations in the town.

“If I were to get another eight hours I would dedicate it to violations,” Medcoff said. She said it would improve the appearance of the town if she had time to get people to clean up their property. Included in the formal request will be a breakdown of Medcoff’s hours and planners’ justification for the request.

Along the same vein, planners discussed what they can do to help Medcoff enforce violations of junk piled up on various properties in town. Medcoff said the first warning she sends property owners gives them 14 days to clean up their property.

The second warning letter gives them seven days. With the third warning Medcoff sends the information to selectmen. She said there is no procedure for how to implement fines for the violations. Selectmen can choose to impose a fine or the town would have to take the property owner to court.

Planner Ted Keiler suggested that Medcoff ask the town’s Police Department to serve a warning after Medcoff has already done so.

Planner Mike Sherrod will look into how other towns deal with the issue.

Planners will continue addressing issues for the upcoming year. Resident Conrad Heeschen agreed to research what information should be taken out of the town’s zoning ordinance and present it to planners at their next meeting.

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