The latest project dipping into city coffers is the redevelopment of St. Dominic Regional High School. The benefits are an uninhabited property put to good use, 37 units of affordable housing and a few office spaces for nonprofits.

However, by project estimates of $6 to $8 million, it will cost between $140,000, and $190,500 per unit. Lewiston won’t pay the entire cost of this housing project, but I foresee it generating only a small amount of future revenue for the city, and in reality, the funding from other government sources still comes out of our pockets.

I’d like to know how this project could be called “affordable housing.” The price, $190,500 per unit, is almost twice the assessed value of my home, and three times that of many other Lewiston properties. Why not buy inexpensive homes for those in need and grant them a mortgage that fits within their budget.

It would cost far less, create more taxpayers, improve local properties, and pay back the city for its investment. Oh silly me, I know why. They could not afford the taxes.

Jack Mooney, Lewiston

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