Last fall, I attended the Auburn citizens’ police academy. The officers donated their time to educate us, giving up family time. They all proved that they are exemplary individuals, working extremely long hours under most difficult conditions and facing the unknown each day. The compensation they receive is shockingly low for the dangers they face.

We all had the opportunity to participate in a ride-a-long. My first ride was with Officer Matthew Prince. I can’t describe how in awe I was of this man. He conducted himself most professionally and capably in each situation we encountered. He was quickly able to diffuse extremely explosive situations. Well-spoken, he had a calming affect on all.

The most revealing thing in this whole experience was how much, as ordinary citizens, we are unaware. I was oblivious to the unsafe elements around me. The ride-a-longs opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed in Auburn. I can only credit the Auburn Police Department for shielding me daily from these dangers.

I cannot imagine doing what they do for the amount of compensation they receive. Now our city wishes to increase the officer’s share of medical coverage costs and give no cost of living raises.

Funny, isn’t it? There’s no money for the police department, but the city has hired a Portland law firm to investigate Mayor Guay’s arrest. Ah, our tax dollars at work.

Kathi Clement, Aubrurn

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