Why this endless compulsion to slander and hate the Clintons? Please let me respond to Mr. W. Van Tassel’s recent letter. (Aug. 11)

Though former President Clinton had some serious personal faults, he was an effective president, and I believe, at heart, basically a good person. Most of his policies helped this country and most of his foreign policies brought respect to this country, from much of the world.

The Clinton people even tried to warn the Bush people about Osama bin-Laden, but they were ignored. Remember, Mr. Bush was president for nine months already when Sept 11, 2001, happened.

Also, during the Clinton presidency, the minimum wage went up, there were more jobs than now, and the economy was good. Under Clinton, the deficit was paid down, and the federal budget was balanced.

On the same page as Mr. Van Tassel’s letter, columnist Matt Miller writes intelligently about “The Republican Honesty Deficit.” It describes how the Republican math does not add up, and the Bush deficit is way up. It shows how the Republican hoax is hurting our nation.

I suggest that everyone read Susan McDougal’s book, “The Woman Who Wouldn’t Talk.” She courageously refused to bear false witness against the Clintons. Because she would not lie for Ken Starr, the Republican special prosecutor, she was imprisoned for nearly two years.

The so-called “right” is wrong.

Gail L. Richardson, Lewiston

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