Frank Phillips, in his letter to the editor against humanism (Aug. 19), asks, “If Paul got this (being anti-homosexual) wrong, what else do you think he got wrong?”

Despite my beliefs that St. Paul got many things right, I think he was wrong when he wrote to Timothy “I do not permit a woman to be a teacher, not must a woman domineer over man; she should be quiet.” (I Timothy 2:12)

Secondly, Phillips quotes Leviticus 18:22, perhaps the best known and most quoted biblical text that shows God’s displeasure with homosexuality. In the very next chapter of that book, (19:19) God is apparently also displeased with the way people dress, saying “nor shall you put on a garment made of two different materials.”

Which of us has not committed this “sin?”

If people such as Mr. Phillips want to take the Bible literally, which is certainly their right, then why not take the whole book literally instead of picking and choosing certain parts to support their own beliefs and biases?

Weldon P. deMeurers, Litchfield

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