After 42 years of sending Americans overseas to serve as volunteers, the Peace Corps has grown to become an important part of every community across the United States. As we forge ahead in this new millennium, the role will continue to expand as volunteers are sent to more countries around the world than ever before in the agency’s history.

Peace Corps salutes Lewiston and Bates College in honor of Bates’ distinction as 22nd in the nation among universities of similar size in the number of currently serving volunteers. Since 1961, over 100 of the alumnae have served as Peace Corps volunteers, returning to be effective world citizens.

Today, the Peace Corps is looking to all parts of the community to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of over 70 different countries on four continents. As a result, Bates College has been instrumental in providing the Peace Corps with exceptional men and women willing to share their invaluable skills. Bates graduates are serving as Business Advisors in Haiti, Urban and Regional Planners in Bolivia and English Teachers in Romania, to name only a few of the 14 grads currently overseas.

Thank you for your interest in and support of the Peace Corps.

James Arena-DeRosa, New England regional director,

Peace Corps

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