Recently, President Bush’s attorney general indicated his intention to compile a list of federal judges who make court decisions that are too lenient. It has been reported that the attorney general might subpoena federal judges who do not levy maximum sentences.

It is clear that Attorney General John Ashcroft intends to monitor the judgments made from the bench by our federal judges. How can this be? Must the decisions of our federal courts reflect the right-wing conservatism of the Bush administration?

What has happened to our American form of democracy with its three branches of government: the legislative, the judicial and the executive branches of government?

A careful review of the behavior and decisions made by President Bush since Sept. 11 reveal a disturbing trend.

• President. Bush, through his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, captured hundreds of individuals and imprisoned them at the U. S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Our government did not charge them with a crime, allow them legal representation or even permit contact with their families.

• President Bush decided to invade Iraq to change the regime of Saddam Hussein. Although a terribly evil man, Saddam did not attack or even threaten us.

• And now, President Bush is apparently not satisfied with the decisions of federal judges.

It would seem from the above examples that one democratic government, with its constitutionally decreed balance of powers, has become severely out of balance. The executive branch of our government is lurching wildly out of control.

Ronald K. Melendy, Canton

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