Dogs are not allowed to roam freely in order to prevent them from possibly becoming part of a pack and, thereby, becoming dangerous. It is a known fact that a gentle animal can drastically change its behavior as part of a pack. We humans should note that our behavior can do the same.

As I read many letters regarding issues between Councilmen Bob Mennealy and our city manager, Pat Finnigan, I get the feeling that more and more letters are being printed showing support for the “guard dog” who has really become a pit bull, rather than letters that simply state the facts for both sides. Have we forgotten the financial mess that was left to us and that Finnigan has worked tirelessly to fix with minimal losses to our coffers?

Serving the public is a thankless job. I, for one, would like to thank Pat Finnigan for all her efforts, and ask that we set aside emotions and make it a point to stick to the facts.

Gisele Kern, Auburn

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